Trauma-Informed Practice Training for Coaches & Healers

Fellow coach, healer, practitioner…

You love your clients and want to support them.

And you have some incredible skills and gifts to help you do that.

Sometimes, though…

~ Sessions leave you wondering why your client isn’t making progress.

~ Your clients are frustratingly resistant and you wonder if they’re uncoachable...or if you're just not a good practitioner.

~ You feel that dread in the pit of your stomach before working with certain clients.

~ You wonder if there are better ways to market your offerings…ways that don’t feel manipulative, bro-marketing-y, or rooted in scarcity or fear.

~ Trauma has come up in the session, and you didn't know how to deal with it.

~ Your sessions start or end late, or clients are postponing at the last minute.

~ Your clients have shared that they have anxiety or depression or other mental health issues, and you’re not sure whether it’s appropriate for you to work with them because you’re not providing therapy.

~ It’s hard to talk about money and time commitments with potential clients.

~ Racism, patriarchy, capitalism, etc. are coming up in your work, and you’re not sure how to handle it.

~ Sometimes you really doubt your skills.

~ Sometimes you’ve messed up with your clients or prospects, and you haven’t known how to make it right.

Being a trauma-informed practitioner helps with all of these scenarios...and more!

Here’s what being a trauma-informed coach/healer means and helps you do:

: You notice possible trauma responses showing up in sessions...and you know what to do if that happens.

: You infuse consent and choice in all areas of your business, from marketing to sessions to correspondence and more.

: You know how to market ethically and with integrity.

: You know how to acknowledge and repair when you’ve made a mistake.

: You know how to recognize when your client is activated, and how to bring them back to neutral in sessions.

: You know how to separate between your own experiences and your clients’.

: You know how to handle systemic and collective trauma when it shows up with your clients.

: You know how to stay in your lane with your practice, without delving into therapy territory.

: You know how to refer when necessary.

: Your container and boundaries are clear.

: Your onboarding and ending processes are effective and help create an environment where powerful work can be done with your clients.

: Your clients know what to expect, which leads to increased safety and deepened trust.

: You know how to take care of yourself so you’re not bringing your own issues and concerns to your work.

: You have a theoretical framework through which you understand trauma and how to work with people.

Learn more about ways to deepen your trauma-informed practice at