My love letter to you:

Dear lovely one,
I want you to know that you're not alone, or pathetic, or whatever else your inner critic, your fears, your limiting beliefs might be telling you.

What I want for YOU is for you to have the confidence and the knowledge to achieve your fullest potential. To live an abundant life, to see your life as abundant...and to create the abundant life you deserve if you don't have it now. Because that, my friend, is what will make the world better than it is now.

I am an abundance coach, which means I take a therapeutic and compassionate approach to dealing with issues around abundance, scarcity, self-worth, receiving, honoring yourself, and more.

This impacts how you are with love, with money, with planning for your future and taking the steps you need to take to live your life to your highest potential.

I combine my degree in social work with social justice, trauma-informed practices, financial knowledge, and fierce cheerleading to help you see how incredible you are and to help you take powerful action to make your life AWESOME.

Whether it's working with you so you can see money as exactly what it is: a tool to achieve your goals and dreams, helping you see that you are entitled to love and happiness, supporting you with overcoming your limiting beliefs around money, receiving, self-care, your strengths and talents, I want to help you see the world as full of abundance and opportunities, rather than scarcity or fear.

And believe me, I know you're not alone on those feelings and thoughts, because I've experienced many of them myself. Read more about my story. I struggled with money, from having too much of it to having too little. Feeling paralyzed about what to do next and so buried under the weight of my limiting beliefs that I could barely move.

See, I thoroughly believes that everyone is full of genius.

The goal of abundance coaching is to give you the tools YOU need in order to do the healing YOU need to do to live an abundant, pleasurable life.

You will have tools and support so you can get to a place of confidence to take the next best step(s) for yourself, so you can see the world as filled with abundance, rather than scarcity or fear.

The world needs YOU. Your light, your beauty, your strength and intelligence and awesomeness.

And most of all...the world needs you to see yourself in that light.

Payment plans are available.

Scholarships for all programs are available to those who can demonstrate need and desire to take part in this journey.

Abundance Coaching

Wherein you get support with uncovering and overcoming your limiting beliefs and behaviors, revel in your strengths, play to your gifts, and create the life you desire.

As your coach and guide, I hold space for you to uncover and reach your goals, to uncover and overcome your limiting beliefs and fears, to own your awesomeness, fully express your incredible gifts, and more.

You get one on one coaching calls where we will work together to uncover your TRUE desires and dreams (yours, no one else’s!), set goals, use my powerful tools to uncover and overcome your inner gremlins, and create powerful and effective action steps.

You will be lovingly held accountable to achieving your dreams for (at least) two reasons: because you deserve them…and the world needs your strengths and your gifts!

Reach out to set up a complimentary 45 minute conversation where we have a Crystallizing Call to discuss what you're wanting and whether we're a good fit.