Questions for you to consider:
~ Do you ever tell yourself that you’re not good enough?
~ Do you fear you’re just. too. much?
~ Are you petrified of rejection and judgment?
~ Are you afraid to dream?
~ Do you censor yourself because you think what you have to say isn’t important?
~ Do people tell you that you’re talented, amazing, etc…but you have a mean voice that says what they said isn't true?
~ Do you hide or dim your beautiful and brilliant light?
If you answered “yes” or “maybe” or “I don’t want to think about it!” to any of those questions, I have a hard truth for you:
You have a very loud inner critic. And it is lying to you.
Which is not okay!
Because critics:
…kill your self-confidence.
…drain away your joy in life.
…make you play so much smaller than we all need you to play.
…suck away your motivation to take good care of yourself.
…take away any drive to uncover and go after your desires.
…make you feel like you don’t matter.
Imagine what your life could be if your inner critic would just shut. the fuck. UP!
(I'll wait.)
Seriously though. Take a moment and consider what that would feel like.
What you would do and what you would try to create in your life and the world.
Wouldn't that be incredible?
During this virtual retreat, you'll learn how to tell the difference between your inner critic and your inner wisdom, how to quiet down your inner critic, and how to help your inner critic leave you in peace.
You will learn powerful and effective tools you can use so your inner critic no longer has as much power over you…and WAYS TO MAKE THEM VANISH.
What you’ll get:
: My super powerful and effective 12-step system to overcome your inner critic for the rest of your life.
: My favorite core tools to create an abundant mindset and celebrate the awesome things about your life, and why they are CRUCIAL for letting go of your inner critic!
: The power of CHOICE. You will be able to choose how much power your inner critic has over you, rather than being powerless over it.
Who’s Eryka?
That’s me, Eryka Peskin!
I’m a mindset coach, a licensed social worker, a fierce cheerleader, a trauma-trainer, a photographer, and writer.
I do this work because my all-encompassing desire to is free us all from the inner gremlins that prevent us from going after our beautiful dreams and desires.
I believe that people who are happy and in touch with their abundance do good things in the world, which means that an abundant mindset is good for the world, and that it is our birthright to achieve our highest potential.

Retreat details:
Date: Saturday, March 1st,
1pm-6pm ET/10am-3pm PT
The retreat will take place on Zoom, with breaks and independent work time.
Once you register, you will receive the Zoom link and other information.
If you can't make the live training, you'll get the replay and all the materials.
Investment: sliding scale
In order to make this work accessible to people from a wide range of financial positions, I use a sliding scale.
Sliding Scale Guide
$50 if things are kinda financially challenging
$100 if you’re financially stable
$150 if you’re financially abundant
$150+ to support others in taking the course
How to enroll:
Decide on your payment amount according to the sliding scale and choose the payment processor of your choice.
If you prefer Venmo: send payment to @Eryka-Peskin
If you prefer Zelle: send payment to eryka@eryka.com
If you prefer PayPal: send payment to eryka@eryka.com
Important: Please include your email in the notes so I can send you all the info.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll have reserved your spot!
About the sliding scale:
I am committed to creating a world where everyone is supported 100% and no one is left out. My sliding scale reflects this, by having those who can pay more cover costs for those who need to pay pay less. By paying at a higher level, you are helping ensure that this work empowers and is accessible to an economically diverse community of people.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to eryka_AT_eryka.com if you have any questions, if you would like to set up an installment plan, or would like to apply for a scholarship.
Q: Why will this work for me when/if other courses or books or whatever haven’t?
If you have this question, then I'm guessing you’ve got some self-doubt and are perhaps feeling hopeless that anything for you can or will change. (Perhaps your inner critic is saying that?)
We’re going to spend a good chunk of time on exploring those thought patterns and see where that hopelessness comes from…so you can let go of it. Because it’s bullshit and it’s messing with your head.
Q: Why are you qualified to do this?
I have a Masters degree in social work from Hunter College School of Social Work in NYC, I founded a womxn’s empowerment nonprofit, I went through hell and back financially and decided to learn about money and got all sorts of financial licenses, and I’ve coached thousands of people to overcome their limiting beliefs and fears in order to achieve their highest potential.
My unique perspective of women’s empowerment + social justice + finance + my general brilliance has helped me create a 12 step system to overcome your inner critic (which you’ll learn as part of the retreat).
Q: Who is this course for?
If you are ready to speak your truth, own your gifts, stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone, overcome your inner gremlins, and more…then this retreat is for you!
More specifically, the retreat is for people of all races, ethnicities, beliefs, and gender identities.
Q: What happens once I sign up?
Within a few hours after you make your payment, you’ll receive a personal welcome e-mail from me with information about how to access the calls and additional info. Everything is set up to be as easy as possible for you. And if it’s not, let me know!
Q: Where does this course take place?
Wherever you are! You just need to be able to access your email and Zoom.
Q: Do I have to be in the U.S. to participate?
Nope! Just be aware that the emails will be in English, unless I slip into the occasional Spanish or Czech.
Q: I love it! Can I pay in installments?
I’m deeply committed to my work being accessible to whoever feels the call, so YES! Contact me so we can arrange it.
Q: What if I don’t like it?
I know how scary it is to invest money in something that might not appear to have an immediate, tangible return. I’m so confident that this program will be AWESOME for you that I’m happy to guarantee that you’ll get something out of it…or your money back. You’ll have to do your part—complete the course, show that you did the work, and make your request by March 31st—but if you do all that and find that it didn’t serve you, then you’ll get a refund from me (less a 10% processing fee).
Still have questions? No worries! I am so excited to go on this journey with you, so if you’re still not sure, contact me and I’ll answer any questions you may have.

Quick links:
© 2025 Eryka Peskin All rights reserved